1. I learned how to swear in Chinese from watching "firefly"
2. One day I want to be a published author
3. I do not believe that job networks know what is best for everyone (despite thinking they do)
4. I hate party lines
5. I look after other people better than I look after myself
6. I don't usually respond to forwarded notes
7. I can be annoying at times when I ask questions (lots of them)
8. I am afraid of deep water and cannot jump into the deep end of a pool or go on a waterslide
9. I believe that everyone has the right to their own opinion, but not everyone is enlightened enough to see the truth
10. I think we're all a little crazy on some level
11. I read over 700 books last year (but at least 50 of them were constant rereads)
12. I am a Joss Whedon geek - I love all his shows
13. When I was 19, I rolled a car on the way back to Ballarat and it freaked me out
14. People who talk aloud to themselves freak me out a little - am I supposed to pretend not to hear them?
15. I read a lot more than I write
16. I am a sugar addict - it makes me happy
17. I believe that everyone has the right to make their own informed choices and that no one has to be a sheep unless they cannot think for themselves
18. I apply for jobs I do not want to keep the government from cutting me off and making me homeless (or making me have to live in my car until I had to sell it cos I cannot pay insurance)
19. I am not afraid of spiders, like I won't scream when I see one, but if there is one inside, I will kill it to stop it from biting me (unless its a daddy longlegs)
20. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get up the guts to do something really important with my life
21. I hate it when other people make me question my worth. They have no right to
22. I think the people who have the power are too busy bring pleased with themselves that they are not willing to listen to anything that might help them to better use said power.
23. I have absolutely no idea what my derby name might end up being - seriously. No idea
24. I will master not falling on my butt when I roller skate by the end of Fresh Meat - seriously, yesterday's injury still hurts a little.
25. I always aim to only work on one story, but then a character pops itself into my mind and I feel like I should at least try to write something about them. 20 odd thousand words later I have a story that needs serious culling
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